- ‘The Role of Participatory Communication in Tracking Unreported Reproductive Tract Issues in Marginalized Communities’Information Technology for Development(2014): The Role of Participatory Communication in Tracking Unreported ReproductiveTract Issues in Marginalized Communities, Information Technology for Development.
- ‘Mitigating Gaps in Reproductive Health Reporting In Outlier Communities of Kerala, India – A Mobile Phone-based Health Information System’, Journal of Health Policy and Technology, June 2012, Issue 2, published on behalf of the Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, UK, by Elsevier.
- ‘Determinants of epidemic susceptibility and role of ICTs: A preliminary framework for acute type response in Kerala State’, Accepted for publication in International Journal of e-Adoption, January 2013
- “Providing Cost-effective Health Care Through People’s Participation”, Health Action, October 2007
- “Work-Force Indexation: Kerala Scene”, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, October- December 2007
- “Institutionalising Participatory Health Care Services”, Health action, July, 2008
Conferences Papers Presented:
- ICEG 2010 (April 2010): International Conference on e- governance held at IIM Bangalore. Presented a paper on ‘Determinants of Epidemic Susceptibility and the Role of ICTs: A Preliminary Framework for Acute Type Response in Kerala State’
- European Conference on Information Systems(ECIS), 2012. Title of the paper, ‘A Mobile Phone-based ICT Solution for Reporting and Tracking Unreported Reproductive Health Problems in the Outlier Communities of Kerala, India’.
- The Special Interest Group on Economic Development Conference (SIG GLOBDEV), 2012 Paper presented on ‘Mobilizing Participatory Communication to Track Unreported Reproductive Tract Issues Among Women in Outlier Communities’.
- PaniyaSadas (March 2010): An international workshop organized in Wayanad District, Kerala, supported by Centre for Development Studies and University of Montreal (discussions and paper presentations the Paniya tribes in Wayanad)
- International Conference On Microfinance And Poverty Eradication (2009): Organised by Central University of Lancashire in association with SCMS Cochin.