Dr. Filomina P. George

Professor, Department of Finance, PGDM


Prof. Dr. Filomina Parayil George, a distinguished fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK, and a distinguished Fellow Member of Zambian Institute of Certified Accountant, Zambia, is now the Director, SCMS COCHIN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS, India. She had acquitted herself creditably as the Chief of Finance Division of Zambian Railways prior to joining SCMS-COCHIN in 1996 and had, subsequently, served as Professor and Dean of Academic Administration in SCMS CSB. She was awarded PhD for her outstanding research in Financial Economics by Mahatma Gandhi. University. Her academic initiatives conjoined with her research potentials and organizational deftness culminated in the inception of Finance Forum of SCMS, which worked wonders as a powerful platform for intellectual interaction between industry and management students.

Educational Qualification

  • PhD (2009) from Mahatma Gandhi University. India in Financial Economics
  • MBA (1977) in Finance from Cochin University. India
  • Certified Director – Institute of Directors 2015
  • FCMA (1989) – Passed the qualifying examination of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, U.K.
  • Associate Member from 1990 to 1994 and Fellow Member of the Charted Institute of Management Accountants (UK) since 1995.
  • AIDPM (1988) – Institute Of Data Processing Management. U.K – Passed the qualifying examination in 1988 and became associate member in 1990.

Employment History

  • Twenty years with SCMS COCHIN in various capacities : as Director, SCMS Cochin School of Business(Since September 2014), Dean Academic Administration (2007-2014), HoD Finance (2004 -2007), Professor (1999- 2004) and Associate Professor (March 1996-1999)

Key Responsibilities Held

  • Academic Administration, Programme review and structuring, Curriculum Design, Curriculum implementation with outcome based learning and objectives, Development of Rubrics for assessment of students’ performance in various courses.
  • Courses handled: Management Accounting, Accounting for decision Making and Control, Financial Reporting and Analysis, Financial Management, Infrastructure Projects and Financing, Security Analysis and Portfolio Management, Strategic Cost Management , Strategic Financial Management. Strategic Cost Management, Working Capital Management.
  • Spearheaded many co-curricular activities. Initiated a finance forum, the platform for intellectual interaction between industry and management students.
  • Designed and introduced an Integrated Managerial Learning Programme (IMLP) to enrich the learning process and nurture and enhance the talents in students with a holistic approach to develop necessary competencies required for management aspirants. This is successfully being implemented by the School as an integral part of its learning programmes
  • Introduced an in house journal “The Exchequer” for management students with special interest in finance.
  • Project guidance for summer project guiding around fifteen projects per academic year. So far guided about more than 200 projects in different areas like marketing, capital market, corporate finance, financial performance analysis, Banking , financial services Working Capital management, Data Quality etc. Two projects were rated among the top ten in the national contest

Teaching Interests

  • Courses in Accounting and Finance, Management Accounting, Corporate Finance and General Management.

Research Interests

  • Teaching and Learning
  • Finance and Economics


  • Impact of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on the Share Prices in the Indian Capital Market -Finance India June 2013 , Finance India Vol XXVII No.2,ISSN-0970- 3772 Quarterly Journal of Indian Institute of Finance , Delhi –June 2013
  • Efficacy of Credit Deposit Ratio as a Banking Performance Indicator Finance and Banking : A Collection of Contemporary research – December 2009 co- authored by Dr,. Mercia selva Malar and M. Sudheedran
  • Corporate Social Responsibility- a strategic imperative for sustainable growth. LEX et Scientia ET ,Nr XIV 2007 International Journal
  • Changing Customer Eexpectations in Retail Banking” September 2004 .
  • Compiled and edited a dictionary by name The Lexicon – a glossary of financial terms

Conferences attended and papers presented :

  • Accounting Information system The core of Knowledge Management at the National conference on Knowledge Management – at SCMS Cochin – August 2014
  • Infrastructure Financing – The key to sustainable growth National level conference at SCMS Cochin – August 2014
  • Financial Innovations – A double edged sword – Panorama 2013.
  • Financial innovation- a double edged sword, Paper presented at the National conference “Panorama” at SCMS Kochi 2009.
  • Microfinance – the Kerala perspective, paper presented at the International conference on Microfinance 2009 .
  • Is customer the King? – the changing customer expectations , paper presented at the national conference ‘Panorama’ at SCMS Kochi 2004

Case studies developed:

  • “Will the Navaratna SAIL along???” the turn around strategy of SAIL the steel major in India (2006)
  • Solarisation CIAL steals the thunder- published on website of Cochin International Airport www. Cial.aero 2016

Working papers:

  • The Global round tripping of the currency crisis 2002
  • Corporate India , Leveraging, deleveraging and releveraging
  • Restructuring- lease of new life for TATA Ceramics .

Book Reviews :

  • Business A Changing World Authors : O.C . Ferrell, Geoffrey A. Hirt, DePaul University , Linda Ferrell, University of New Mexico
  • The Dark Side of Valuation Author: Aswath Damodaran 2 nd Edition 2009 Publisher: Prentice Hall
  • Leading with Questions? How leaders find the right Questions by knowing what to ask’ By Michael Marquardt Wiley India Pvt .limited Seventh Edition 2011, ISBN : 13: 978-0- 07-351172- 6 10-0- 7 -133257- X , Publisher Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited


  • Resource Person at Institute of Management in Government for various training programs.
  • Resource person “ Women Entrepreneurship Training Program in  collaboration with Times of India and CII
  • Resource person and/ coordinator for management development program, certificate /diploma programme for WIPRO, State Bank of India , Allianz Cornhill, Carborandum Universal Ltd, KSFE
  • Panelist on Union Budget analysis – representative on the media (India Vision and Asia net , Manorama , the Reporter channels)
  • Member Kerala Management Association , CII panellist