AICTE Sponsored International Conference
“Managing and Reinventing Organizations in the Age of Disruptions” (ICMROAD)
22nd & 23rd October 2021
Hosted by
SCMS Cochin School of Business, Cochin KeralaAICTE Sponsored International Conference
“Managing and Reinventing Organizations in the Age of Disruptions” (ICMROAD)
22nd & 23rd October 2021
Hosted by
SCMS Cochin School of Business, Cochin Kerala
SCMS Cochin School of Business, one of the premier B schools in India is delighted to announced ICMROAD-2021, “International Conference on Managing and Reinventing Organizations in the Age of Disruptions” to be conducted in collaboration with AICTE, New Delhi, from 22nd October to 23rd October2021.
SCMS Group
SCMS Group of Educational Institutions is a national leader in higher education especially in the fields of Management, Engineering and Technology. Inspired by the vision of its founder Dr. G.P.C Nayar on value based education, SCMS has a tradition of over 4 decades of sustained and focused pursuit of its objectives. There are about a dozen Institutions under its fold in diverse disciplines like Management, Engineering, Biotechnology, Architecture, Computer Applications, Polytechnics and the like, operating from different locations in Kochi (Cochin),Kerala, India.
About SCMS Cochin School of Business
SCMS Cochin School of Business, offers a two-year full time Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM) Program since 1992. The highly acclaimed PGDM program is approved by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) and is recognized as equivalent to MBA by Association of Indian Universities (AIU). The program is internationally accredited by Accreditation Council for Business School and Programs (ACBSP- USA). In 2012, the Association of Business Schools of UK honored SCMS by making it a distinguished member of the Association from outside UK.SCMS Cochin School of Business was the first B School in India to get ISO certification for Quality Teaching. The B School program is consistently ranked high by various national ranking agencies.
Scope of the Conference:
World over, businesses are facing unprecedented disruptions owing to COVID-19 pandemic which is being termed the “quintessential black swan”. Only those organizations which can quickly and efficiently adapt to the changing circumstances are likely to survive. ICMROAD-2021 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from Industry and Academia to discuss the most relevant research efforts about disruptions in organizations and how the organizations are turning this into an opportunity. As part of the conference, we are inviting research paperson the topics (but not limited to):
Conference Themes
Sub Theme: Human Resource Management
- Leadership during the pandemic
- Decision making
- Managing Human Capital
- Work from home new normal & Work life balance
- Organizational changes
- Organizational Development
Sub Theme: Systems and Operations
- Role of Information technology during pandemic
- Business models
- Supply chain disruptions
- Technological changes
- Big data
- Business analytics
Sub Theme: Marketing
- Content Marketing in times of disruption
- Brand disruption
- Digital Marketing
- Changes in the consumer Behaviour
- Changes in Pricing strategies
- Innovation, R&D, New product development
Sub Theme: Finance
- Financial market resilience
- Liquidity management
- Non-performing Assets
- Operational efficiency
- Corporate governance
- Behavioral finance
Guidelines for Paper Submission
- The research papers must be original and unpublished
- Official language of paper writing and presenting is English
- The papers may be submitted through:
Important Dates:
Last date of receipt of Abstracts: | 15-09-2021 |
Intimation of selected Abstracts: | 20-09-2021 |
Last date of receipt of Full papers: | 15-10-2021 |
Last date of Registration: | 15-10-2021 |
Registration Fee: –
- Indian Academicians and Working Professional: Rs.1000/-
- Research Scholars: Rs.500/-
- International Academicians/ Research Scholars: $100
Selected full papers will be published in an edited volume (hard copy) with ISBN by a national publisher on payment basis.
Conference Coordinator
Dr. Radha P. Thevannoor
For Further information, Please Contact :
Dr Lishin MJ:
Ms. Priya S:
Ms. Divya M O: