The SCMS Journal of Indian Management invites eminent academicians and subject experts to join our board of reviewers. The symbiotic relationship between reviewers and authors, as facilitated by the editorial team, is what ensures the publication of the best quality research. We are looking to collaborate with reviewers who have relevant experience in their chosen field, while actively keeping themselves updated and participating in bringing out the latest in research.
Please send in an application to with the following information included.
1. Name
3. i- index
4. H-Index
5. Google Scholar ID
6. e-mail ID
7. Designation
8. Affiliation with full address
9. Industry experience
Core Area
10. Ph.D. Details (Year of Completion, Title, University affiliation of the Ph.D.)
11. Number of Ph.Ds produced
12. Areas of expertise to review
13. Number of Publications in Indexed Journals
14. Total Number of Citations received for Publications in Indexed Journals
15. Have you served as a reviewer for any journal/ publisher before? If yes, please give details.